Today Wednesday March 24th, 2010 I have been married for 30 years! This to me doesn't seem possible. Where did all that time go? Why is it that everytime you blink your eye it seems that another year has passed by. Birthdays come quicker, Monday morning is here before Friday's gone- everything moves faster but us! Shouldn't it move slower because we move slower as we get older?
I tell Brooke that I can do alot of things but I don't have that one special thing I'm really good at. Does that make sense? I have been thinking about that and looking back.. way back- I guess if held by gunpoint and had to come up with something it would be that I have been with the same man through 30 years of "for better or for worse"... "for sickness and in health"... til death do us part. That we have raised 3 absolutely wonderful children that have made us so proud - I don't think my heart is big enough to hold all the love I feel for these 3 precious human beings. I ask God what I could have possibly done to get it so right 3 times. That eventhough I can do alot of things of which I am no where near being the best at I have loved this family with all I got- to the very best of my ability, with all my heart. Looking back they mean more to me than winning the Pillsbury bake-off or knitting the perfect scarf.. they have given me that one special thing I'm good at- being a wife and a mother and loving every minute of it.
I tell Brooke that I can do alot of things but I don't have that one special thing I'm really good at. Does that make sense? I have been thinking about that and looking back.. way back- I guess if held by gunpoint and had to come up with something it would be that I have been with the same man through 30 years of "for better or for worse"... "for sickness and in health"... til death do us part. That we have raised 3 absolutely wonderful children that have made us so proud - I don't think my heart is big enough to hold all the love I feel for these 3 precious human beings. I ask God what I could have possibly done to get it so right 3 times. That eventhough I can do alot of things of which I am no where near being the best at I have loved this family with all I got- to the very best of my ability, with all my heart. Looking back they mean more to me than winning the Pillsbury bake-off or knitting the perfect scarf.. they have given me that one special thing I'm good at- being a wife and a mother and loving every minute of it.
This was the sweetest post ever!!!! And you are the best wife and mom any family could have. I'm so glad to have you in my life to look up to, have fun with, and love. Great blog, Cinderella!
Ah,Amanda... I love you! :)
I love you too!! :)
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