Sunday, November 21, 2010

Let the baking begin!

I love to cook, especially love baking- must be my love for sweets! Tomorrow will be the beginning of days of THANKSGIVING cooking! My friend Susan and I are doing our pumpkin rolls- also will make my brother's favorite- pecan tarts. Tuesday I will bake the cornbread and chop celery/onions for the dressing. Wednesday make several more desserts and cranberry salad. Then Thursday put the dressing together, make sweet potatoe casserole and deviled eggs. I will lug all this to my Mothers and along with her turkey, ham, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, green beans, peas and fruit salad WE will have a meal fit for a king!
This will be a busy week to say the least! Sort of like the Thanksgiving/ kick off to Christmas week! You start the week thinking turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie and end the week thinking Black Friday! I just told my daughter that I think Thanksgiving should be the 2nd Thursday in the month BECAUSE it seems like Christmas overshadows Thanksgiving. I am usually good about this BUT like I said I am thinking Christmas! Just take a look at this blog!
So, after days of cooking there will be days of decorating and shopping ahead... DAYS! Exciting, busy, exhausting but THANKFUL days. I have so much to be thankful for this year I've run out of fingers and toes to count my blessings on. God is good.



i can't wait to dig in!

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