I have decided this mug will probably be the highlight of my day! Woke up to the jingle bells text alert on my phone saying church had been cancelled. I thought to myself this will be a long day. Although, I'm not sure why I looked at it like that because yesterday I had decided not to go. I got up, took a shower, took the dogs out, picked up AND this house is a Christmas diseaster STUFF everywhere! Next, I started a load of clothes, out of my p.j.'s into BLAH comfy clothes (which has become my daily attire!) I am almost certain if I didn't work I would never wear make-up and everything would have an elastic waist! ugh! :/ Anyways, grabbed my Christmas Nook (have to say NOT loving it) and decided to try for the hundreth time to actually download a book and once again that didn't happen! I am sure there are people that love the Nook, I'm just not one of them. After that I made coffee and poured it into the MOM MUG with egg nog latte creamer and decided then and there THAT would be as good as this snow day would get! Which leads me to this-the things I got for Christmas that I loved were...the MOM MUG, a pair of green dangly earrings ( I have started loving dangling earrings) the coolest reading glasses ever, fleece pajama pants and the cutest, hard to find, pick of the season UGG boots! I can say that because the men in the family don't blog!
I looked and felt like crap yesterday, like I had been hit by a truck but I had on my new green earrings and I can already tell the MOM MUG will be in the dishwasher everytime it runs! Have a nice Sunday and enjoy... I am going to TRY to do the same! :/
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