Dreaded Monday- as so many call it- isn't half bad today! Woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow! For once in many years it is actually snowing when they say it will! Hats off to our dedicated meteorologist AND to honest Abe while we're at it- my favorite president. Did you know that he was 6' 4" and the first president to have a beard!
I have decided today I will NOT sit and watch Kelly and Regis, The Bonnie Hunt Show or The View! I will listen! It will be on WHILE I work! At this moment I am "listening" to Bonnie Hunt while BLOGGING! That isn't really work but 2nd on today's "to do list" so it counts!
This is going to be a short one since it is Monday and there is much to do so Happy Presidents day, if this applies Fun Snowday and what can I say it IS Monday!
I didn't know he was the first president to have a beard.. he is my favorite president too.
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