Here we go again and by no means am I complaining YEP another snowday for me! A do whatever hits you day! The best of the best kind of day- in my opinion! Not a big snow just enough to knock you out of going to school but not enough to keep you from going! Although, I am very fond of the HOME bound type of snow my personal favorite- I get all my peeps here and I got 'em! But it's almost March and with each snow I'm thinking this could be it, so I'm happy with this not much but enough snow!
Today as with every "brr...chill" in the air day I BAKE! Today I decided to make chocolate fudge with walnuts- my Dad and my husbands favorite. Fudge always has the "if" factor but it was perfect! I'd like to say it's some type of secret family recipe but it's not... KRAFT! Try and enjoy!
I did my good deed for the day as well - I gave Sophie a bath.. you can thank me later Brooke!
Chocolate fudge with Walnuts
In medium saucepan melt:
1 and 1/2 sticks of butter
3 cups sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
Bring to a full boil and continue to boil for 4 min. or to 234 on candy therm.
Remove from heat add:
1 bag Hershey chocolate chips
1 jar marshmallow creme
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Pour into 9x13 buttered pan and let cool- cut into squares and enjoy!
yummmmy, im coming to the price house next snowday :))))
I could eat that whole plate right now.
I think your favorite colleague needs some of these to make it through the day :)
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