Christmas was different this year, some for the better, some for the worse! I loved the fact that I started shopping early but I didn't stop... I just kept going so did the early start help or didn't it? If I had started later the stopping point would have come sooner.
The colored lights on the tree grew on me and I actually think "given a choice" I would go that route NOW but I wasn't given a choice so is accepting the lights a good thing eventhough I accepted with a far from joyful heart?
I really gave alot of thought to the gifts I bought this year and wanted to be sure I bought the things that my family would love! I think I did good. I had a little Christmas note book and I used it religiously! It kept me on track! Also, I saved every receipt! In the past I haven't done so well with that one.. :/
Once again we did 3 Christmases LITERALLY in a row and I wish that was different.. I love doing our gifts on Christmas morning. I think its great doing Christmas Eve gift giving with our families but I will never stop pulling for Christmas morning at home.
I did however like the way we opened our gifts at home... taking turns, opening one gift at a time. It took about an hour and a half.... like I said I didn't know when to stop shopping!
I over baked and over ate! I baked alot of sweets and cooked alot of food and most of the time it was Jeff and I Brooke, Justin or Matt! That was different but I knew that day was coming and it was an eye opener in many ways. About the over eating... got to get a grip! Top of my New Years resolution list... LOOSE WEIGHT! We'll have to see how that goes! ;)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010

I have decided this mug will probably be the highlight of my day! Woke up to the jingle bells text alert on my phone saying church had been cancelled. I thought to myself this will be a long day. Although, I'm not sure why I looked at it like that because yesterday I had decided not to go. I got up, took a shower, took the dogs out, picked up AND this house is a Christmas diseaster STUFF everywhere! Next, I started a load of clothes, out of my p.j.'s into BLAH comfy clothes (which has become my daily attire!) I am almost certain if I didn't work I would never wear make-up and everything would have an elastic waist! ugh! :/ Anyways, grabbed my Christmas Nook (have to say NOT loving it) and decided to try for the hundreth time to actually download a book and once again that didn't happen! I am sure there are people that love the Nook, I'm just not one of them. After that I made coffee and poured it into the MOM MUG with egg nog latte creamer and decided then and there THAT would be as good as this snow day would get! Which leads me to this-the things I got for Christmas that I loved were...the MOM MUG, a pair of green dangly earrings ( I have started loving dangling earrings) the coolest reading glasses ever, fleece pajama pants and the cutest, hard to find, pick of the season UGG boots! I can say that because the men in the family don't blog!
I looked and felt like crap yesterday, like I had been hit by a truck but I had on my new green earrings and I can already tell the MOM MUG will be in the dishwasher everytime it runs! Have a nice Sunday and enjoy... I am going to TRY to do the same! :/
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sad but True
This is my "sad but true" list, here goes:
1. I said I would be a better blogger (end of November) and this is my ONLY December blog!
2. Life is full of surprises, not all of them are good ones!
3. I will never be thin!
4. 2/3's of my life is over.
5. If I could do it all over again... I WOULDN'T !
6. I'm tired on many different levels!
7. Sophie can take me or leave me... I think she would say leave me!
8. Today is Christmas and I'm sitting downstairs watching Christmas with the Kranks ALONE!
9. Things are very rarely how they appear.
10. Hot flashes are here to stay! :/
I hope all you bloggers had a Merry Christmas! I must say mine was a different one to say the least!
1. I said I would be a better blogger (end of November) and this is my ONLY December blog!
2. Life is full of surprises, not all of them are good ones!
3. I will never be thin!
4. 2/3's of my life is over.
5. If I could do it all over again... I WOULDN'T !
6. I'm tired on many different levels!
7. Sophie can take me or leave me... I think she would say leave me!
8. Today is Christmas and I'm sitting downstairs watching Christmas with the Kranks ALONE!
9. Things are very rarely how they appear.
10. Hot flashes are here to stay! :/
I hope all you bloggers had a Merry Christmas! I must say mine was a different one to say the least!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Let the baking begin!
I love to cook, especially love baking- must be my love for sweets! Tomorrow will be the beginning of days of THANKSGIVING cooking! My friend Susan and I are doing our pumpkin rolls- also will make my brother's favorite- pecan tarts. Tuesday I will bake the cornbread and chop celery/onions for the dressing. Wednesday make several more desserts and cranberry salad. Then Thursday put the dressing together, make sweet potatoe casserole and deviled eggs. I will lug all this to my Mothers and along with her turkey, ham, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, green beans, peas and fruit salad WE will have a meal fit for a king!
This will be a busy week to say the least! Sort of like the Thanksgiving/ kick off to Christmas week! You start the week thinking turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie and end the week thinking Black Friday! I just told my daughter that I think Thanksgiving should be the 2nd Thursday in the month BECAUSE it seems like Christmas overshadows Thanksgiving. I am usually good about this BUT like I said I am thinking Christmas! Just take a look at this blog!
So, after days of cooking there will be days of decorating and shopping ahead... DAYS! Exciting, busy, exhausting but THANKFUL days. I have so much to be thankful for this year I've run out of fingers and toes to count my blessings on. God is good.
This will be a busy week to say the least! Sort of like the Thanksgiving/ kick off to Christmas week! You start the week thinking turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie and end the week thinking Black Friday! I just told my daughter that I think Thanksgiving should be the 2nd Thursday in the month BECAUSE it seems like Christmas overshadows Thanksgiving. I am usually good about this BUT like I said I am thinking Christmas! Just take a look at this blog!
So, after days of cooking there will be days of decorating and shopping ahead... DAYS! Exciting, busy, exhausting but THANKFUL days. I have so much to be thankful for this year I've run out of fingers and toes to count my blessings on. God is good.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I have to keep telling myself....
It's Thanksgiving NOT Christmas! I don't know why but I have jumped ahead of things and landed in the midst of the Christmas spirit! Not really like me at all. I could lay the blame on Brooke since she officially did the first "deck the halls" of the season SHE PUT HER TREE UP!
That must have been all it took for me-ha! Seriously!But, for whatever reason I am ready! More than ready! I should be making a grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner, digging out my recipes, deciding what to take where. Instead I am getting Christmas lights, having Brooke pick up wrapping paper, making Christmas to do list AND memorizing the black Friday ads! SNAP OUT OF IT! Oh and as you can see I basically have a Christmas blog! ;)
That must have been all it took for me-ha! Seriously!But, for whatever reason I am ready! More than ready! I should be making a grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner, digging out my recipes, deciding what to take where. Instead I am getting Christmas lights, having Brooke pick up wrapping paper, making Christmas to do list AND memorizing the black Friday ads! SNAP OUT OF IT! Oh and as you can see I basically have a Christmas blog! ;)
Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
"Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister and Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man!"
I love White Christmas! One of my favorite movies of all time. I'm amazed at the people I've talked to that's never watched it- I can't imagine Christmas without watching this wonderful movie.. it's a classic.

I love White Christmas! One of my favorite movies of all time. I'm amazed at the people I've talked to that's never watched it- I can't imagine Christmas without watching this wonderful movie.. it's a classic.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Race for the Cure 2010

I am really excited about this decision! My dear friend Susan has asked me to participate in the 2010 Race for the Cure in Knoxville-of course, I said YES! Some walk, some run... in our case we are walkers! I haven't been walking regular in awhile so I am going to have to hit the pavement or the treadmill with a cheereful heart- no doubt!
I am proud to say my daughter and our friend Traci have decided to be on our team. They will join the elite RUNNERS! The more that participate the better!
Susan's niece Terri recently had breast cancer. She is a survivor. WE are TEAM TERRI! Please support Race for the Cure 2010.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
THURSDAY night football!
Yes it's Thursday and all I have to say about that is GO MAVS! Tonight it's AC vs Knox Central and it's HOMECOMING! Just checked the weather and it looks like it's going to be a great game night! This can be my "warm-up" to my "follow-up" of Saturday's "GO BIG ORANGE" UT game! If you remember I am determined and excited to be a "GO BIG ORANGE" Tennessee Vol! I love this time of year and I hope you do too... it would be a shame to miss "Tennessee" in the Fall! (sooo You've Got Mail!)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

seems to have new resolutions.. Fall, has set my wheels in motion! AND back to blogging made the list! Speaking of list... here's mine! (done in Brooke fashion!)
FALL thoughts:
1. AC football is great!
2. Hubby and sons aren't big UT fans but not-so-out of the blue I am determined to be! (B. too)
3. I love crisp, cool mornings.. nothing quite like them!
4. Coffee is better in the Fall, if that's possible!
5. When something happens that makes no sense, God has put you there for a reason.
6. Life is better with dogs... 2 of them!
7. I LOVE pumpkins!
8. I wonder what Sophie and Frank will be for Halloween? Mmm....
9. Not a cloud in the sky for 3 days is a gift from God.
10.Love your family... at the end of the day (so Matt!) that's all that matters!
11. Letters are good, list too... seeing your thoughts on paper is good for the soul!
12. Speak your mind... it will bring you peace. ( I really have to work on that one)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Warm chocolate melting cake! WOW!

So, if you cruise with Carnival YOU are in for a treat... in more ways than one! :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pride is the Dandelion of the soul

God hates a prideful heart. We have two options when it comes to pride...
We can humble ourselves or God will humble us. (Daniel 4:37)
We can humble ourselves or God will humble us. (Daniel 4:37)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
10 ANXIOUS Thoughts!
I could get use to this whole "list" thing!
Having said that... I feel a change comin' on!
1. Brooke is thinking out loud!
2. Eating alone!
3. Brooke is putting her words into action!
4. Never laughing until I cry!
5. Brooke is getting REAL excited!
6. No more mad runs for watermelon sour patch kids!
7. Brooke is getting alot of input- you're goin' down Ms. V.
8. Iced caramel macchiato... NEVER!
9. Brooke could be "out of here!"
10. No more movie nights... need I say more!
Having said that... I feel a change comin' on!
1. Brooke is thinking out loud!
2. Eating alone!
3. Brooke is putting her words into action!
4. Never laughing until I cry!
5. Brooke is getting REAL excited!
6. No more mad runs for watermelon sour patch kids!
7. Brooke is getting alot of input- you're goin' down Ms. V.
8. Iced caramel macchiato... NEVER!
9. Brooke could be "out of here!"
10. No more movie nights... need I say more!
Friday, May 14, 2010
10 Happy Thoughts!
My first bloggers list... here goes!
1. Heaven
2. Family
3. Chocolate- in most any form!
4. Coffee- hot or iced!
5. New CD
6. (Me) Pets
7. Movies
8. New pajamas
9. Clean sheets
Last but not least... 10. Pedicure
1. Heaven
2. Family
3. Chocolate- in most any form!
4. Coffee- hot or iced!
5. New CD
6. (Me) Pets
7. Movies
8. New pajamas
9. Clean sheets
Last but not least... 10. Pedicure
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ain't it the truth! I think I'm having mine today! I feel down and out and definitely looking the part... ugh!
(did I mention NO make-up... what was I thinking?)
Anywho! As an added bonus the weather isn't doing a thing to "snap me out of this" it's a dreary,dreary day! I feel guilty even thinking that let alone actually saying it... outloud, online.. for the masses to read. (all 9 of them-ha!)
Every day God gives us, every breath he allows us to take is a blessing and a good day...nevertheless, we all have our days! Sooo, come on sunshine, euphoria, cheer, joyful bliss... hit me with your best shot! :)
" Everyday may not be good but there's something good in every day"
(I think Brooke said that!)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Misery loves company...not!
We always hear these lil' sayings that do and don't make sense to us. ONE that I can't grasp is "misery loves company". If you're miserable I don't think you want any company. I don't think your company wants to be miserable either! I also haven't had my "ship to come in" BUT that's life!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gerber Daisies! What better way to bring in MAY! I planted flowers today- all sorts of flowers... I love this time of year. I thank God the rain came AFTER the planting!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Family and God
Been thinkin' about family and God. I don't know how anyone gets through this life without them. Family- we're born into- no choice, no choosing but had I been able to choose I wouldn't change a thing. God is a choice and clearly one that we all need to make- a choice I have come to think of as being yes, no or maybe. I think we can choose to be a christian full time OR part time, even none of the time. Not a good decision but it happens. I don't know how that works for them.
We all have our moments-our blowups or fits -that's understandable we're human and we were born with a sinful nature. BUT how often can we do that and NOT fall into the part time category. For some we are just as guilty as taking a fit because we think by claming up and giving the silent treatment we will get our way... punishing the ones that WE think are in the wrong.
All this thinking has got me thinking about.. ME! I go to church, read my bible, pray for myself, my family and the well being of others but does my light shine? Do my actions speak louder than words. If we send out 2 different messages- most will believe the nonverbal one over the verbal.
My daughter teaches 2nd grade and she said the most wonderful thing about the other 2nd grade teacher she shares an office with. It suppose to have rained yesterday and I made the comment that the rain had held off and Brooke said I knew it would.. Joan was praying it would. Brooke didn't have a doubt that Joan's prayers were heard.
In my mind I start going down the list- do my children think I'm a Godly Mother, what about my Mother does she see me as a christian daughter, does my husband think I'm the wife God tells me to be in the bible, am I a good sister, in-law, friend and the list goes on and on. If only we really knew how others saw us. Just knowing they sincerely thought God hears my prayers would be enough for me.
I love my family and God more than anything - a very verbal statement coming FROM ME. Lord, I hope and pray that others see that IN ME.
1 John 3:18
We all have our moments-our blowups or fits -that's understandable we're human and we were born with a sinful nature. BUT how often can we do that and NOT fall into the part time category. For some we are just as guilty as taking a fit because we think by claming up and giving the silent treatment we will get our way... punishing the ones that WE think are in the wrong.
All this thinking has got me thinking about.. ME! I go to church, read my bible, pray for myself, my family and the well being of others but does my light shine? Do my actions speak louder than words. If we send out 2 different messages- most will believe the nonverbal one over the verbal.
My daughter teaches 2nd grade and she said the most wonderful thing about the other 2nd grade teacher she shares an office with. It suppose to have rained yesterday and I made the comment that the rain had held off and Brooke said I knew it would.. Joan was praying it would. Brooke didn't have a doubt that Joan's prayers were heard.
In my mind I start going down the list- do my children think I'm a Godly Mother, what about my Mother does she see me as a christian daughter, does my husband think I'm the wife God tells me to be in the bible, am I a good sister, in-law, friend and the list goes on and on. If only we really knew how others saw us. Just knowing they sincerely thought God hears my prayers would be enough for me.
I love my family and God more than anything - a very verbal statement coming FROM ME. Lord, I hope and pray that others see that IN ME.
1 John 3:18
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Boat Outing!

Now, for them this is HUGE. They are savers and this decision was a biggie- one I'm glad they made! It was a beautiful day - perfect and we loved it. The only thing missing was Brooke and Traci. So this shout out goes to you boys... anytime you need passengers "we're in!" About the 5.00 per person fee... riiight... that's not going to work for me.. ha! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thirty Years and a Lifetime later

Today Wednesday March 24th, 2010 I have been married for 30 years! This to me doesn't seem possible. Where did all that time go? Why is it that everytime you blink your eye it seems that another year has passed by. Birthdays come quicker, Monday morning is here before Friday's gone- everything moves faster but us! Shouldn't it move slower because we move slower as we get older?
I tell Brooke that I can do alot of things but I don't have that one special thing I'm really good at. Does that make sense? I have been thinking about that and looking back.. way back- I guess if held by gunpoint and had to come up with something it would be that I have been with the same man through 30 years of "for better or for worse"... "for sickness and in health"... til death do us part. That we have raised 3 absolutely wonderful children that have made us so proud - I don't think my heart is big enough to hold all the love I feel for these 3 precious human beings. I ask God what I could have possibly done to get it so right 3 times. That eventhough I can do alot of things of which I am no where near being the best at I have loved this family with all I got- to the very best of my ability, with all my heart. Looking back they mean more to me than winning the Pillsbury bake-off or knitting the perfect scarf.. they have given me that one special thing I'm good at- being a wife and a mother and loving every minute of it.
I tell Brooke that I can do alot of things but I don't have that one special thing I'm really good at. Does that make sense? I have been thinking about that and looking back.. way back- I guess if held by gunpoint and had to come up with something it would be that I have been with the same man through 30 years of "for better or for worse"... "for sickness and in health"... til death do us part. That we have raised 3 absolutely wonderful children that have made us so proud - I don't think my heart is big enough to hold all the love I feel for these 3 precious human beings. I ask God what I could have possibly done to get it so right 3 times. That eventhough I can do alot of things of which I am no where near being the best at I have loved this family with all I got- to the very best of my ability, with all my heart. Looking back they mean more to me than winning the Pillsbury bake-off or knitting the perfect scarf.. they have given me that one special thing I'm good at- being a wife and a mother and loving every minute of it.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oatmeal cookies...home sweet home!

Oatmeal Cookies:
In large bowl
1 cup butter softened (2 sticks)
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
Blend together then add 2 eggs- one at a time
Stir in 1 tsp. vanilla - set aside
In medium bowl
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Blend, then add to above mixture
Stir in 3 cups oats
Bake 10- 12 minutes on 350 degrees
Makes about 36 cookies YUM!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Oops! It happened again!

Here we go again and by no means am I complaining YEP another snowday for me! A do whatever hits you day! The best of the best kind of day- in my opinion! Not a big snow just enough to knock you out of going to school but not enough to keep you from going! Although, I am very fond of the HOME bound type of snow my personal favorite- I get all my peeps here and I got 'em! But it's almost March and with each snow I'm thinking this could be it, so I'm happy with this not much but enough snow!
Today as with every "brr...chill" in the air day I BAKE! Today I decided to make chocolate fudge with walnuts- my Dad and my husbands favorite. Fudge always has the "if" factor but it was perfect! I'd like to say it's some type of secret family recipe but it's not... KRAFT! Try and enjoy!
I did my good deed for the day as well - I gave Sophie a bath.. you can thank me later Brooke!
Chocolate fudge with Walnuts
In medium saucepan melt:
1 and 1/2 sticks of butter
3 cups sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
Bring to a full boil and continue to boil for 4 min. or to 234 on candy therm.
Remove from heat add:
1 bag Hershey chocolate chips
1 jar marshmallow creme
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Pour into 9x13 buttered pan and let cool- cut into squares and enjoy!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A bittersweet Weekend
Ahh, this weekend... blue skies, warm temperatures and a spring like feeling in the air it ALL brings a smile to my face! The weather has been great! You look around on a day like this and can't imagine being anywhere else this beautiful.
But however blissful the weather- it has been a bittersweet weekend. Amid all the smiles and sunshine there has been much sorrow and sadness. My Uncle Dolly passed away this past Wednesday, after a long illness. His funeral was yesterday and the burial today.
Life is short. We have all heard that and for the most of us, especially the older ones, we know that's true. For me the thing I can't understand is when your heart is broken how the rest of the world goes on. My Aunt Delores's heart is broken. As I think of him tonight I can imagine being in a place more beautiful ... Heaven. My uncle was a good man, I loved him and he will be missed.
John 14:2
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
All good things must come to an end!

Thirteen days! All the days we went to school the entire month of January! Three days! The number of days we have went so far in February! Which can only lead to questions such as: will we go til' June? will spring break get axed? did I hear someone say SATURDAYS! Who's to say but one thing for sure we are in the hole! Has it been worth it... YES!
So, tomorrow it's back to school... ONE HOUR LATE- I'll take it! :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, Presidents Day, Snowday!

Dreaded Monday- as so many call it- isn't half bad today! Woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow! For once in many years it is actually snowing when they say it will! Hats off to our dedicated meteorologist AND to honest Abe while we're at it- my favorite president. Did you know that he was 6' 4" and the first president to have a beard!
I have decided today I will NOT sit and watch Kelly and Regis, The Bonnie Hunt Show or The View! I will listen! It will be on WHILE I work! At this moment I am "listening" to Bonnie Hunt while BLOGGING! That isn't really work but 2nd on today's "to do list" so it counts!
This is going to be a short one since it is Monday and there is much to do so Happy Presidents day, if this applies Fun Snowday and what can I say it IS Monday!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Chocolate Gravy and Biscuits

This a.m. Brooke and I ate enough chocolate to put a "normal" person in a coma! Not only did we have chocolate gravy and biscuits - on the side... baby chocolate chip pancakes. Luckily, we come from a long line of chocolate lovers or we may not have survived! There's just something about Valentine's Day that screams CHOCOLATE!
So for all you chocolate lovers that have never embarked on chocolate gravy- give it a try! If you like chocolate pie you'r e gonna LOVE chocolate gravy and biscuits. Happy Valentine's Day to ALL!
"Let all that you do be done with LOVE"
1 Corinthians 16:14
Chocolate Gravy:
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
Mix above ingredients well- ADD:
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 stick butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cook until thickens~ pour over hot biscuits
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snowless snowday!
To do list gone bad! Knew it would from the get go! Up early- dogs, coffee, Regis and Kelly THEN a text from my gal pals how 'bout lunch at the Cracker Barrel! I'm in! Ready and out the door and my good deed for the day - left early enough to get Brooke's lunch! Another fun "no school in Campbell County" day...
And it only gets better! Get home, put comfy clothes on, cuddle up with Sophie, watching "Dr. Oz" and Susan calls! How 'bout a movie at 4:00... I'm in! Back up, no need to change clothes WEAR the Colts sweatshirt ( I took over from "borrowed my Ipod and someone stole it" Justin)and I'm ready to go! Susan picked me up we went to the MOVIES at LaFollette. The only ones there were Susan and I and a little (looked 12) couple on the VERY FRONT ROW kissing the entire time, barely coming up for air. I'm thinking if this has to be SIT IN THE BACK. But on 2nd thought I don't think they realized anyone was there! SUSAN didn't realize THEY were there! We saw The Blindside and loved it!
Now, for those who know me they are probably wondering WHERE'S JEFF? I always make sure he has supper- yes, old habits are hard to break! How can you cook and keep the road hot! He was covered and all was well! :) Ah, I love snowless snowdays!
And it only gets better! Get home, put comfy clothes on, cuddle up with Sophie, watching "Dr. Oz" and Susan calls! How 'bout a movie at 4:00... I'm in! Back up, no need to change clothes WEAR the Colts sweatshirt ( I took over from "borrowed my Ipod and someone stole it" Justin)and I'm ready to go! Susan picked me up we went to the MOVIES at LaFollette. The only ones there were Susan and I and a little (looked 12) couple on the VERY FRONT ROW kissing the entire time, barely coming up for air. I'm thinking if this has to be SIT IN THE BACK. But on 2nd thought I don't think they realized anyone was there! SUSAN didn't realize THEY were there! We saw The Blindside and loved it!
Now, for those who know me they are probably wondering WHERE'S JEFF? I always make sure he has supper- yes, old habits are hard to break! How can you cook and keep the road hot! He was covered and all was well! :) Ah, I love snowless snowdays!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, Tuesday, Snowday, Snowday!
This is how it should be - go to school 2 days, don't go to school 2 days! All in favor-say I...I ! Nevertheless (and that IS one word) being off is always a good thing. How I spend that time - which feels like FREE TIME is up to me!
I am a morning person- always have been. This a.m. up early, by choice, which always makes it better. Take the dogs out, back in- brr, cup of coffee in hand and straight to the couch. The intentional few minutes before I "get going" lasted through Regis and Kelly, The Bonnie Hunt Show and The View! By then it's lunch time.
Made a sandwhich, got my best pals Frank and Sophie a snack and straight to the couch. Then I was really "getting with it" that lasted through the news, Daniel Boone (Jeff enters the picture),
Little House on the Prairie which must have been a marathon because I watched, slept, watched, slept and it was still on!
Time for supper! My friend Susan took me to Cracker Barrel then home to open all the presents in the huge b'day bag! Now, that was fun! A little of everything wrapped seperately, of course! My birthday has been ongoing and I love it- kinda like these snowdays!
Tomorrow is a new day- I have a to do list but we won't go there! :)
I am a morning person- always have been. This a.m. up early, by choice, which always makes it better. Take the dogs out, back in- brr, cup of coffee in hand and straight to the couch. The intentional few minutes before I "get going" lasted through Regis and Kelly, The Bonnie Hunt Show and The View! By then it's lunch time.
Made a sandwhich, got my best pals Frank and Sophie a snack and straight to the couch. Then I was really "getting with it" that lasted through the news, Daniel Boone (Jeff enters the picture),
Little House on the Prairie which must have been a marathon because I watched, slept, watched, slept and it was still on!
Time for supper! My friend Susan took me to Cracker Barrel then home to open all the presents in the huge b'day bag! Now, that was fun! A little of everything wrapped seperately, of course! My birthday has been ongoing and I love it- kinda like these snowdays!
Tomorrow is a new day- I have a to do list but we won't go there! :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It was a chocolate cake kinda' day!
This is my very first blog ever... no pressure since I don't expect a huge following and doubt anything I would say (or do) would make any life altering differences! Yet, having said that nevertheless Brooke is a blogger and now so am I!
This is a BIG year for me! I was 50 in January! I don't feel it- a closer look around my eyes and I'm thinking I look it! But, I didn't dread it or even think about it alot. In March I will be married 30 years. I tell you "the time flies" thing that you've heard all your life- it's so true!
I love to bake! When bored, when down, when all else fails... bake! The sweeter the better! Today, on this rainy day I woke up thinking I would try a new chocolate cake recipe- so I did!
New to me but an older recipe. I love and the reviews are so helpful but I googled this one and it's a keeper! The cake and frosting are from scratch and although that can be scary this wasn't at all. It was delicious and moist and pretty... need I say more!

Chocolate Cake
2 cups flour
1 2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa (or other high-quality chocolate)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
1 1/3 cup water
1 cup Hellman's (Best Foods) real mayonnaise
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter or margarine (I used butter)
2/3 cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder
3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease & flour bottoms of 2- 9" round cake pans. In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa, soda & powder, set aside. In a large bowl with mixer at high speed, beat eggs, sugar & vanilla, scraping sides of bowl occasionally, for 3 minutes or until smooth & creamy. Reduce speed to low; beat in mayonnaise till well blended. Add flour mixture in 4 additions alternately with water, beginning & ending with flour mixture.Pour into prepared pans. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until cake springs back when touched lightly in center. Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.Remove from pans; cool completely on racks.
Frosting-Melt butter. Stir in cocoa. Alternately add powdered sugar and milk, mixing between additions. Use more milk if needed (I did not need any additional milk). Add vanilla and blend in well. Frost cake adding about 1/3 frosting between layers and the rest to cover top and sides of cake. Enjoy!
This is a BIG year for me! I was 50 in January! I don't feel it- a closer look around my eyes and I'm thinking I look it! But, I didn't dread it or even think about it alot. In March I will be married 30 years. I tell you "the time flies" thing that you've heard all your life- it's so true!
I love to bake! When bored, when down, when all else fails... bake! The sweeter the better! Today, on this rainy day I woke up thinking I would try a new chocolate cake recipe- so I did!
New to me but an older recipe. I love and the reviews are so helpful but I googled this one and it's a keeper! The cake and frosting are from scratch and although that can be scary this wasn't at all. It was delicious and moist and pretty... need I say more!

Chocolate Cake
2 cups flour
1 2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa (or other high-quality chocolate)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
1 1/3 cup water
1 cup Hellman's (Best Foods) real mayonnaise
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter or margarine (I used butter)
2/3 cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder
3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease & flour bottoms of 2- 9" round cake pans. In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa, soda & powder, set aside. In a large bowl with mixer at high speed, beat eggs, sugar & vanilla, scraping sides of bowl occasionally, for 3 minutes or until smooth & creamy. Reduce speed to low; beat in mayonnaise till well blended. Add flour mixture in 4 additions alternately with water, beginning & ending with flour mixture.Pour into prepared pans. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until cake springs back when touched lightly in center. Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.Remove from pans; cool completely on racks.
Frosting-Melt butter. Stir in cocoa. Alternately add powdered sugar and milk, mixing between additions. Use more milk if needed (I did not need any additional milk). Add vanilla and blend in well. Frost cake adding about 1/3 frosting between layers and the rest to cover top and sides of cake. Enjoy!
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